Riverside Community Primary



Foundation Teachers (ID 1214)

Welly Walk

We have settled in really well to school since we started and have enjoyed exploring our school grounds during welly walks.  We have learnt how to be safe at the fire pit and lit a fire and looked at all the vegetables that have grown over the summer holidays.  We explored the natural world looking at insects and plants that we could find in our environmental area.

Posted 25th Sept, 2024 (View More Photos Here)



Tamar Bridge

What a wonderful walk we had ! The children were so excited to visit the Tamar Bridge, it was such a an imposing sight that the children were talking about everything they had been learning about. It was a big Wow!

This is what the children said in Class FBA about the walk and what they had seen.

'My favourite bit was when we saw the Tamar Bridge.' Oliver

'The train went across the bridge.' Olly

'The boats and the Tamar River.' Elena

'American flag and United Kingdom.' Lola-Rose

'Metal and bricks makes it strong.'  'Its one straight line with lots of legs.' Oscar

'I liked the train when people waved at us .' 'The Union Flag' Corey then did a star jump to demonstrate the design on the flag.

'9 carriages.'  Mairnie-Rae


  Posted 7 Feb, 2024

My Local Environment

Our topic is My Local Environment and we have been learning about where we live and go to school in Barne Barton. We went on a walk to look at the types of buildings there are here. We then found out that we live in a ocean city called Plymouth and also discovered that Sir Francis Drake lived and here a long time ago and he sailed large sailing ships so we made our own out of recycled materials. We have also been observing the seasons and enjoyed writing our name in the hard frost with warm water and brushes. We have found out where Plymouth is in Britain and what it is to be British. We have made and eaten typical British food  like Victoria sponge, beans on toast and pasties from Devon.

 Posted: 25 Jan 24 (view more images)

Learning about Dinosaurs

This term we have been finding out all about Dinosaurs.
First we found a large egg in our classroom and we tried to find out what animal may have left it. We found out which animals lay eggs and how eggs must be looked after to hatch. 
Eventually the egg hatched and out came a dinosaur!  
When then found out the answers to the questions below.
What is a dinosaur? 
When did dinosaurs live on Earth?
What did dinosaurs eat ?
Where did the dinosaurs go ?
We have been so excited to share what we have found out.
Great work everyone !

Posted: 01 Dec, 2023 (View More Images)

 Starting School

 The children are settling into routines and having fun . We have had Welly Walks to the environmental area where we did some weeding. Our topic is, I Am Me and we have been finding out about each other , what we like to eat, what we like to play and  how we feel .  We are making lots of new friends .

Posted: 28 Sep, 2023 (More Images) 

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