Riverside Community Primary

Year 3

Year 3 teachers (ID 1209)


Our Geography learning has flown us across the world to New Zealand, Haiti and Chile so far, this term.  Thankfully, we've not been able to focus on where we live because we don't experience earthquakes!  After looking at the damage and destruction caused in 2011 to Christchurch in New Zealand, learnt that New Zealand has experienced many earthquakes over the years because it lies on boundaries of 2 tectonic plates!  Another fact we were rather flabbergasted by was that earthquakes with a higher magnitude on the Richter Scale don't always cause the most damage!  The destruction caused by an earthquake often depends on where it happens and how rich/poor the country is. For example, Haiti is not a rich country so the buildings are more easily damaged, and the people do not always get trained how to deal with an earthquake. 


 Posted 4th Oct, 2024

Riverside Ready

Year 3 have hit KS2 with a BANG—there’s no stopping us!  Once we’d completed our Riverside Ready week, we got stuck in with Visual Maths, making 3-digit numbers with our concrete materials before drawing our column tools ‘perfectly’! 

To bring out our dramatic—more confident—sides, we’ve been learning about ‘Ballads’ in our music lessons, which might explain why you’ve heard us singing ‘Space Oddity’ over and over again, and thinking about how characters in stories show their emotions through facial expressions and body language, learning phrases such as 'so relieved' and 'dark, depressing frown' to add description.

Forces have been the focus for Science so far: throwing balls of different shapes and sizes as well as crafting our own paper aeroplanes to sail through air, in order to learn about gravity and air resistance.

All-in-all, an exciting start to life in Year 3.


Posted 20th Sept, 2024



After our successful trip to the Eden Project in Cornwall, in January, where we saw the huge sculpture, The Seed' by Peter Randall-Page, we have been inspired to create our own mini clay sculptures.  First we sketched natural items such as pine cones, sunflower heads and lotus heads. Then we learnt the different ways we could manipulate clay such as rolling and marking,  before we designed and made our own sculptures.  


In maths, we have been investigating2D and 3D shapes.  We have discovered that angles are related to turns.  Whilst learning about 3D shapes, we used different modelling materials to make our own cubes, cuboids, cones, triangular prisms, squared based pyramids.  We looked carefully at the shapes of the faces and counted how many there were as well as counting the number of edges and vertices.  

 Posted 20th May, 2024

World Book Day

We've had a busy few days with World Book day as well as our usual lessons.  It was great fun dressing up as our favourite book characters.

In Maths, we have been continuing to work our way up the subtraction pathway and learning to solve two-step word problems.  

In R.E. we are exploring what Christians think is good about Good Friday.  In our last lesson, we retrieved what he had learnt about the Last Supper before listening to what happened next in the Garden of Gethsemane.  To help us understand the feelings of Jesus and Judas, we acted out this part of the Easter Story then used hot seating to ask the main characters how they felt about the events of Maundy Thursday.

In French, we have been learning colours and shapes.  We used this knowledge when we worked with a partner, asking them in French to cut out different shapes in particular colours.  Take a look at what we produced.

 Posted 11 Mar , 2024

Pentatonic Scales

During this term, year 3 have been learning about PENTATONIC SCALES.  After listening to a story about the Chinese New Year, we leant that Chinese music uses five notes.  This is known as a pentatonic melody. We have been practising on glockenspiels using pentatonic scales.  Take a look on Flickr to see how we did

Riverside School | Flickr 

 Posted  26th Feb, 2024


Y3 Eden Project Trip

Y3 have recently visited the Eden Project in Cornwall to learn about plants. Whilst we were there, we sketched the plants that we saw and were amazed at the size of some of them in the rainforest biome.

Back at school, we are now using our sketches as inspiration for our latest art project on Matisse and printing. Having drawn different shapes for the leaves, we are now learning the technique or printing with polystyrene tiles and how much pressure to put on the tile when drawing our design. It's tricky but we have been showing great resilience.

 Posted 24th Jan, 2024

Outdoor P.E Session

During our outdoor P.E. sessions, we have been experimenting with different bats and racquets, to improve our hand-eye coordination and become better batters and players.

 Posted: 18 Dec, 2023


In computing, we are learning how to make a stop frame animation.  So far we have learnt that it is possible to make a still image move by creating a flip book or taking separate photographs of an image which is changed slightly and putting it into a movie app.  
By the end of the term, we are hoping to plan, write and create our own stop frame animation.  

 Posted: 01 Dec, 2023

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