Riverside Community Primary

Year 6


Year 6 Teachers (ID 1212)


Yesterday, we were transported back in time to the beginning of life on Earth. Inside the Planetarium, we learned all about Evolution and the theory of Charles Darwin. We all had a incredible time and thoroughly enjoyed this experience.

 Posted 26th Sept, 2024 (View More Photos Here)


In our Science this half term, we are learning all about evolution and we are exploring how things change over time. This week, we focused on inheritance; we found out what inheritance means and created our own "Mr Men" characters based on characteristics that we inherit from our parents. We can't wait to carry on the theme of evolution next week when we get to visit the Planetarium.

Posted 20th Sept, 2024

Police Visit

What a wonderful start we have had to Year 6! Today, we had a visit from the Police service, educating us about how to stay safe within the community both outside and online. We found out some very interesting facts about what the police do, how to stay safe on social media and what to do if we are ever worried. 


 Posted 11th Sept, 2024

Leavers BBQ


Wow! What a wet and wild time we all had at our leavers' BBQ! We had lots of fun and it was a fantastic way to celebrate the very successful year we have all had! 



Posted 23rd July, 2024

Yr6 Production

Wow! What superstars Year 6 have been. We are incredibly proud of all of the children during their Year 6 performance. We hope you all enjoyed it too! Take a look on Flickr for some videos of their performances.


Y6 Production | Flickr

Posted 18th July, 2024

Ice Cream

Today the children were treated to an ice cream. A huge thank you to Vision for Education and Nicky's Ices for enabling us to have this delicious treat. Take a look at our photos.


Posted 02 July, 2024 (Click here for more photos)

Y6 Residential

Please click on the link below to track us over the weekend!

Year 6 Grenville House 2024 | Flickr

Posted 28th June, 2024

Wellbeing week

What a fantastic start to Well-being Week we've had! Today, the children were creative with pattern and shapes to develop their own pieces of Artwork. We then went outside to create a variety of nature art. To finish the day, we learned about food from different cultures and enjoyed tasting them! Take a look at our photos- we will continue to share photos of their learning this week! 





 Posted 17th Jun, 2024



What a fun afternoon we have had! Today we had a visit from the Ambulance service who told us all about their jobs. We got to wear their uniform and even test out the sirens on the ambulance! We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and learned a lot! Over the next few weeks, we will have visits from people who work in different careers so please check the blog for more photos!

 Posted 5th Jun, 2024 (Click for more photos) 


We have all been working extremely hard this week and to celebrate the end of SATs week, we took part in a Year 6 dodgeball session. We all had lots of fun, including our teachers who also joined in- they are extremely proud of us all for doing our best and trying our hardest!

 Posted 16th May, 2024

Arithmetic Hunt

To celebrate our last Boosters and to recognise the children's fantastic efforts this term, we all went outside and took part in an arithmetic hunt. We worked in pairs to try to solve the SATs questions as quickly as we could.  We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The Year 6 teachers are very proud of everyone's efforts and we wish them all lots of luck next week for their SATs. 

Posted 10th May, 2024 (Click to View More)

Simple Circuits

In Science this term, we are learning about electricity: components of a circuit, different types of electricity and electrical sources. Furthermore, we are working Scientifically by planning and creating complex circuits. Today, we have experimented with electrical equipment to construct a simple circuit. 

  Posted 18 Apr, 2024


In Art, we have been looking at tone and studying the artwork of the artist Banksy. This week we have experimented with tone and investigated creating tone using ink and shape.

Posted 15 Mar, 2024

Map Skills

In Geography, we are investigating "Is Fair Trade fair?" and exploring the power of international trade. This week, we have been practising our map skills by identifying key physical features that makes Southampton an ideal location for cargo ships to port, in particular the notorious Marco Polo, and the variety of commodities that the famous ship imports to the U.K. 

 Posted 1st Mar, 2024

SATs Preparation

Welcome back to a new half-term! SATs preparation is fully underway and we have begun our weekly practises. Remember to regularly check your child's planner to find their recent scores.

 This week, in Geography we have been learning about the famous Silk Road. We have explored why the road was important and how merchants used to travel along the road by camel to trade precious commodities. 

 In our Science, this half term we will be studying light. We started the topic by investigating 'How does light travel?'. We found out that light travels faster than the speed of sound and travels in straight lines. We learned new vocabulary such as opaque, transparent and translucent, which we then used when writing an explanation about our findings.

 Posted 22 Feb, 2024

Learning About Microbes

For our Science this half term, we have been learning about Living things. This week, we have been finding out about different microbes (viruses, bacteria and fungi)  and how they can be helpful or harmful to our planet. We have began an investigation where we have put bread in different conditions (heat, dark, light, dry, damp and cool) to see which condition makes mould grow the quickest. Each day, we have been observing the changes to the bread. Take a look at our photos.


Posted 02 Feb, 2024

Science Classification Keys

What a busy start we have had to our Spring term! The children are all working extremely hard and putting in lots of effort completing our morning challenges and booster sessions. In History, we have been learning about the story of the Trojan Horse and we have been writing diary entries as if we were a Trojan Warrior. In Science, we have been exploring classification. We have made our own classification keys using sweets and animals. Well done Year 6 - Keep up the brilliant work!

 Posted 19th Jan, 2024

Y6 Talent Show

What a fantastic first term we have had in Y6! We celebrated by having a Y6 Talent show. We were very impressed with the variety of acts and the amazing talent. Congratulations to everyone who participated and for the audience for demonstrating our respectful bee. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.

 Posted: 20 Dec, 2023 (View More Images)

French Autumn 2023 Olympics

This term in French, we have been learning about the Olympics. In our French lesson with Mrs Roberts this week, we have been learning about verbs and practising the correct pronunciations by playing a game. 
Take a look at our photos. 

Posted: 01 Dec, 2023 (View More Images)

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