Riverside Community Primary

Year 4 Blogs

Anglo-Saxon Britain

So far this Spring term Year 4 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons. We started the term off by learning how the Romans retreated and left Britain and then the Anglo-Saxon tribes came in and took over. We looked at primary and secondary sources of information and explored artefacts. The children then went on to design their own Anglo-Saxon styled brooches from clay and in Design and Technology we will be designing and making jewellery boxes to contain our brooches.

In science we have started to learn about sound and how we hear. In computing we are looking at programming and creating shapes with reptation both online with the Turtle academy and with programmable devices ProBots.

 Posted: 19 Jan, 2024


Hadiran's Wall

On the last day of term, we had a special visitor coming into the school. A Roman soldier taught us all about Hadiran's wall, the uniform the soldiers would have worn and the equipment they would have had to carry. The children acted out some of the battle formations and learned how to throw javelins (pool noodles). 
In art, we have been exploring different pencils and learning how to sketch and to draw 3D cylinder shapes.  

 Posted: 23 Nov, 2023


In PSHE the children have been learning about teamwork and how to take responsibility for their role in a team. We worked together to create posters and then presented them to the class. 

 Posted: 06 Nov, 2023

Design and Technology 

In Design and Technology the Year 4 children were learning how to grate and chop food safely to prepare them to create their own healthy snacks and picnic. 

 Posted: 06 Nov, 2023 

 Changing States

In Year 4 we have been learning about 'changing states' in science and looking at how to melt and freeze different materials. We ended up with some very messy melted chocolate hands and some delicious homemade ice cream! 
We have been learning the strings on the ukulele and coming up with our own rhymes to help us remember which string is which. 
In PSHE the children were challenged with the task of making letter shapes as a team with our own bodies. This involved lots of communication, teamwork and some creative ideas. 

Posted: 06 Oct, 2023  

 Y4 First week back 

As well as lots of activities to get ready for year 4, we've also been up to lots of exciting lessons.  These include practising our dribbling and passing skills in P.E., designing our art sketchbook front covers and carrying out a glittery experiment to show the importance of handwashing to get rid of germs. 

 Posted: 15 Sep, 2023